Electronics & Computing

Independent Service Organisations operating in the computing and technology space have more than their fair share of challenges as the world increasingly embraces the era of all things digital. With technologies that are rapidly transforming, evolving, and proliferating, it is a complicated task to maintain and retain a skilled-up workforce as well as run a profitable business in this field.

Whether you’re servicing computers, mobile phones, 3D printers, LED signage, smart fridges, e-Bikes, or drones you can be assured that the number of models and configurations you may have to deal with is substantial. You may not have supplied these models to your customer but there is still a chance that you will inherit their servicing contracts by some means.

Also, sometimes, you just can’t fix things because - well let’s face it - electronics and computing devices generally aren't known for their longevity. Firstly, most solid-state hardware doesn't last more than five years without becoming slow or just failing outright. Secondly, newer more performant devices are always hitting the market, and to stay competitive you need to stay current.

So what can ISOs do to help make this electronics servicing process easier and more predictable? What systems can you employ to ensure your technicians have access to the information they need to reduce servicing times, as well as capture all parts and labor that was expended during that service? One solution is the combination of Sage 300 and Technisoft Service Manager.

Built to run within the Sage 300 environment, Technisoft Service Manager is designed to help you keep on top of all your operational and financial needs in your servicing of IT assets. Using notations and attachments you can ensure that all the information needed by technicians is available at all times, both in the workshop and in the field. Track employee skills to assist coordinators in scheduling the right people for the job on every occasion. Set tasks on jobs to make sure technicians comply with even the minutest of compliance activity requirements if necessary. Review any part of an asset's service history including past work performed by who and in detail. Your Sage Solution Provider would work with you and Technisoft to bring this type of interaction to life.

No doubt managing electronic and IT devices requires much consideration and organization. Technisoft Service Manager is just one more piece of that pie, but you can rest assured that it will always give you the information you need to maximize uptime and consistently provide accurate and reliable service metrics.