Customer Portal

Give your customers the ability to self-service, log jobs, or quote requests. Customize your customers' access levels with configurable security and enable them to pay bills online.

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Open 24/7!

Customer Portal, for Technisoft Service Manager, provides customers with a 24/7 self-service platform through which they can log in and perform a range of customer focused activities. Customers can create and manage requests, in which the service company and the customer can chat directly to identify and initiate equipment maintenance work tickets or general work tickets if no equipment is involved.

Customers can also view current job progress, reprint invoices, approve quotes, review their own equipment details including billing history, agreement, and contract information, preventative maintenance schedules, take meter readings and pay invoices online using a secure payment gateway.

The user interface allows customers to quickly find the information they are looking for through customizable filtering, grouping, and sorting. The effectiveness of the three-tier security system ensures that your customers can control how and what their own employees can see.

Allowing customers to log and monitor job requests rather than calling or emailing provides increased customer satisfaction and increases profits as your business overheads and costs are reduced.

Dashboard Style Home Screen

The home screen shows a dashboard style display to visually track, analyze and identify key points.

  • Requests chart shows a count of the number of Pending and Open Requests as well as Total Requests entered within the last 30 days.
  • Jobs chart showing a count of the number of Open and Held Jobs as well as a count of Closed Jobs
  • Invoices with a balance due are shown as a doughnut chart
  • Quotes to Approve are displayed as a count
  • Equipment records on Open Jobs are displayed as a count
  • Meters due for reading are displayed as a count

By drilling into each key point you can filter on all the results within the list.

Communicating With Your Customers Made Easy

An email notification is automatically sent to the service company when a request is made in Customer Portal.
Full chat functions are available to facilitate communication between the customer and support staff, auto generating email alerts with each conversation.

Request management

New requests can be created from within a job, site, equipment, or model screen.
Each request can be either a general request not relating to a specific piece of equipment or an equipment request to report a problem.

The customer can manage both requests and associated jobs easily from a central point. Many request states are available such as pending, held, in progress, and completed and the state of each request is clearly shown in Customer Portal.


Public notations can be attached to jobs so that customers can view written reports, photographs, and other types of documentation relating to the status of existing equipment or the work being undertaken.

Workflow indicators

A request may require attention from the customer, service company support staff, or require no attention at all. Action indicators are used to clearly identify where attention is required.

Pivotal Features

Secure Login

Customers are provided with a secure login page to the Customer Portal. The service company authenticates its identity and links them to Service Manager sites.

A user can be set up as either an Administrator, a General User, or a Restricted User, which in turn affects the scope of the information they can see.


Customers can search for individual equipment or models. Job information, equipment on a job, and tasks and activities associated with a job can be displayed.


Customers can view, print, and securely pay invoices via a payment gateway.